Facebook Graph Search Overview Makes Searching More Easier
Today when i logged on to facebook, i was happy to know that i was off the waiting list to test the beta version of Graph Search. Facebook announced Graph Search 2 weeks ago and you can get in the waiting list to use the new feature here. I waited for about 2 weeks now and finally got it. Well, lets go on with the short overview of this new and interesting facebook feature.
Immediately the first thing you see after enabling the graph search feature is that the taskbar is changed and now your friend request, messages, and notification icon has been moved from the left all the way next to your thumbnail. Also now the taskbar above will change to the specific place you are at. Say for example youre at our facebook page and on the left side you will see "The Technology Of Today International".
Before activating the feature, i was give a very brief tutorial which taught the basics of graph search like what you can search. Above here is a list of things which you could search. Overall graph search is a pretty amazing tool and i like the way it can search mostly anything.
"Its Like Google Inside Facebook"
Here is an example of a search which will bring out quite a lot of results but fear not, facebook has also added a filter on the right side which you can toggle to get more refined results. Basically the stalking possibilities are endless as you can basically search anything which somebody has made available public to facebook searchable.
You could also search things like photos by a certain page or person or search something like a photo with these two people tagged in. Again in this situation with a lot of data, Facebook has a filter on the right side of the page. Lets wrap things up here by saying that Graph Search is really a very powerful tool but can be used to also stalk people at another level. Overall i would give this feature a 7/10 score and i cant wait to see what facebook will do to improve it even more. As i said earlier this is in a limited beta and if you want to give it a try click here to join the waiting list. Subscribe to our blog for up to date tech content or you can follow us on Twitter, add us to your circles in Google+, & like our Facebook page to be updated with the latest tech content. Samsung Galaxy S IV News & Rumors. Tip us about something we are not aware of