Wednesday, January 31, 2018

10 02 2015 12 01 08 downloads

10 02 2015 12 01 08 downloads

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Super Street Fighter 4 Primeiras Impressões

Super Street Fighter 4 Primeiras Impressões

Bom, depois que o jogo vazou para X-Box, tive a oportunidade de jogar finalmente o SSF4 o////

Acho que foram umas 2h 30 min. jogando, portando n�o ser� um review profundo e bla bla bla.


Obrigado Capcom por ouvir nossas rezas!!!

A pior de todas �: MUDARAM O NARRADOR DO JOGO!!!

Porra Capcom!! O outro era t�o foda!!! _|_

A apresenta��o todos j� viram, eu achei muito foda! Os menus agora tem arte com os personagens, entrou em um, muda a arte, eu curti, mas n�o vi todos os menus porque eu queria � jogar!

E o jogo n�o tem mais a m�scia da banda Exile, n�o entendi o porque, eu achava legal, tinha gente que odiava, mas.....

FODA-SE!!! Vamos ao que enteressa, o jogo!!

Eu curti muito os novos cen�rios, bonitos pra caralho, principalmente o cen�rio da constru��o com os personagens do Final Fight ao fundo, as novas m�sicas ficaram boas tamb�m.

A jogabilidade continua foda, mesmo jogando no controle treva do xbox360, os golpes respondem muito bem e parece que a anima��o dos persongens est�o mais fluidas, mas n�o sei se foi impress�o.

A grande sacada foi os dois ultras antes de come�ar o jogo, escolher eles muda completamente sua estrat�gia de jogo, como era no SF3.

Vou listar os personagens que joguei e escrever o que achei de cada um deles. E volto a repetir, n�o joguei muito pra avaliar detalhadamente.


A Bicha espanhola realmente teve uma melhora significativa, mais forte e resistente, seus golpes est�o respondendo mais r�pido e menos vulneraveis, e seu novo ultra come�a com uma rasteira, �timo pra pegar gente desprevinida.

Dee Jay:

Para mim que gosta de jogar com personagens chargers foi uma �tima supresa (s� entrou hadoukeiro nos novos praticamente X.X). Est� r�pido, tem bons anti-a�reos e seus golpes tiram uma boa energia, particularmente ser� um persongem que dar� muito trabalho.


Adorava jogar com ela no SF3. Ibuki � rapida, tem v�rios combos e muitas fintas boas, penso que a curva de aprendizado dela � mais f�cil do que a da Sakura, ent�o voc� n�o ira ser surrado tanto pelos outros at� aprender as manhas delas. Mas como sempre nesse tipo de personagem sua stamina e for�a s�o fracos


Essa � outro personagem uqe quero me dedicar, muito r�pida, cheio de combos, muitas fintas, sua m�gina � muito legal, pois vc pode segurar ela e lan�ar depois, acho que dar� pra brincar com isso, pena que ele � muito fraca a porradas :/


Um dos meus favoritos, o brasileiro continua apel�o como sempre, como joguei uma vez s� com ele nao notei diferen�a, os combos antigos funcionaram e seu novo ultra � muito bom tamb�m, principalmente o antia�reo.


A mulher mais forte do jogo, tamb�m joguei pouco com ela, � realmente t�cnica, n�o � pra qualque um, ela � lenta mas seus golpes s�o r�pidos e tiram bem pra uma personagem feminina. Com certeza � mais uma que vou treinar muito, pois jogava ocm ela no SF3 :]


Ele � o Balrog hadoukeiro. Pelo que percebi nele voc� n�o pode ser o vaca louca que nem o Negro do Poder, mas ele tem uns golpes que ele finta antes, isso pode levar a diversos tipos de estrat�gias e seus ultras, os dois, s�o muito bons e mais dificeis de evitar do que os do Balrog


Joguei uma vez e n�o notei diferen�a, mas o seu Metsu Shoryuken realmente arrebenta, �TIMO antia�rio e faz um estrago consideravel :]


Joguei uma vez tamb�m para tentar seu novo ultra, que voc� executa colocando tr�s vezes pra cima mais tr�s chutes, mas cada vez que executei, conseguiram esquivar X.X


N�o mudou muito em rela��o a s�rie Alpha, mas ele � rapido, cheio de truques e gostei muito de suas voadoras, quem jogar bem com ele dar� muito trabalho.


N�o fiz muita coisa com ele al�m de apanhar X.X, mas ele � um lutador r�pido e seus golpes com ex fodem a vida do advers�rio.


Sim!!!! Minha personagem favorita e que mais gosto de jogar voltou foda!! Est� mais forte pelo que percebi, os combos antigos continuam valento, mas a melhor coisa, foi ela ter o Shinku Hadouken!!! Cara, isso � lindo!!!! Voc� escolhe se quer pra frente ou pra diagonal e ela ganha um antia�ro implacavel!!
Gosto muito do ultra Haru Ranman dela, mas agora com esse novo ultra, ela ganhou um +++ em sua defesa, o que � muito bom pra ela :]

Bom, essas foram minhas impress�es sobre o SSF4, esse jogo vale muito a pena pegar, s� sei que qnd tiver minha c�pia na m�o perderei horas vendo o que a Capcom colocou de novo nesse jogo o/////

PS. Sim, o Sagat n�o est� apel�o como antes, est� mais fraco, mas mesmo assim, ainda continua um FDP!!!

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A close look at survey methodology for proof of acquired distinctiveness

A close look at survey methodology for proof of acquired distinctiveness

The grounds for the German Federal Court of Justices decision in the Sparkassen Group/Banco Santander dispute over the validity of Sparkassens colour mark "red" (HSK 13) for financial services, namely retail banking, have been published last week. The 46-page judgment takes a very close look at the proper methodology of consumer surveys designed to prove acquired distinctiveness. Since no less than four surveys were submitted by the parties, two by each side, the Court had a wealth of material to work with.
If you are not familiar with the background of the dispute, have a look at our earlier post on the decision. Essentially, Banco Santander applied for a declaration of invalidity for lack of (acquired) distinctiveness of Sparkassens colour mark, was unsuccessful before the German IPO, successful before the Federal Patent Court and ultimately unsuccessful before the Bundesgerichtshof, which confirmed the validity of the mark. The case led to a referral to the CJEU, which was answered in the joined cases  C?217/13 and C?218/13 in 2014 (see summary by Birgit Clark on IPKat).
Given the length of the decision, I can only highlight a few points in the following. The decision will be the reference case for the design of consumer surveys for proof of acquired distinctiveness for years to come.
The IPSOS survey from 2006 showed the participants a red card and opened with the following question:
Have you ever seen this colour in connection with financial institutions, or does it appear familiar in this context? Or have you never encountered this colour in connection with financial institutions?
According to the BGH, this question was suggestive, as it already created a link to a certain kind of companies, namely financial institutions. It already introduced the key question - whether the sign was understood as reference to a single entity - into the first question, which should only filter for persons that have never encountered the sign (para. 43). The proper way was to ask whether the respondents had seen the colour in connection with the claimed products.
A further "grave flaw" of the IPSOS survey was counting those respondents that said that they had never encountered the sign among the 66% of respondents that associated the sign with the Sparkassen Group. Those respondents who do not recall ever having seen the sign must be counted among those who do not perceive the sign as an indication of source (para. 45). The Pfl�ger survey submitted by Sparkassen Group in 2013 was not able to correct the deficiencies of the IPSOS survey from 2006. Surveys conducted several years after the relevant date - here the trade mark owner tried to prove acquired distinctiveness at the time of filing in 2002 - could only be considered if the market conditions were stable over longer periods of time, which was not established here (para. 50).
Too much paper...

Another flaw of the Pfl�ger survey - which equally applies to the IPSOS survey - was that the first question asked "Have you ever seen this colour in connection with financial services [as listed] or does it appear familiar in this context? Or have you never encountered this colour in this context?" According to the Court, the part of the question here put in italics is impermissible, as it leads respondents to consider a third answer, other than yes or no, to the question. It was fine to count those who spontaneously answered that the colour appeared familiar among those who know the sign, but "looks familiar" must not be an explicit option, as it leads to inflated figures (para. 72. In the case at hand, only about 17% of respondents spontaneously answer that the colour seems familiar, but 24% if explicitly given the option).
The Court addressed, but left deliberately open, the allocation of the burden of proof. According to German case law, if lack of acquired distinctiveness at the time of filing cannot be established, the validity of the mark is confirmed, so the burden of proof lies with the nullity plaintiff. According to the CJEUs judgment in cases C-217/13 and C-218/13, the opposite is true - the burden of proof for acquired distinctiveness lies with the trade mark owner (there at para. 68). The BGH did not have to decide the issue - it hints that it is unhappy with the CJEUs finding - because it found that the evidence on record established that the mark had acquired distinctiveness at the time of the Federal Patent Courts decision in 2015. Because Germany exercised the option under Article 3(3) second sentence Directive 2008/95, proof of acquired distinctiveness either at the time of filing or at the time of decision leads to validity of the mark (� 8(3) German Trade Mark Act).
The respondents in the Pfl�ger survey answered the second question as follows:
In connection with financial services...
  • the colour refers to ("hinweisen") a specific financial institution (63%)
  • the colour refers to several financial institutions (8%)
  • the colour does not refer to any financial institution (4%)
  • cannot answer (6%)
This question was appropriate (para. 79). 62% of respondents named a company of the trade mark owners group in answer to the third question "Do you know the name of this financial instution?".
Overall, the Bundesgerichtshof considered that the survey, flawed as it was, proved that more than 50% of the relevant consumers perceived the colour as a reference to a specific financial institution, i.e. as distinctive. Although the Court repeats the old "there cannot be fixed percentage values as absolute limits" (para. 92), it is pretty clear that anything above 50% is enough (para. 109).

read also: How to Root All Android Device Within Few Minutes
Also interesting is what the Court did not address with a single word - whether it is enough that the consumers perceive the colour as a reference to a single entity, or whether it must be demonstrated that they rely on the mark when choosing the product. As you may recall, Arnold J in his second KitKat decision (IPKat post) held that "the applicant or trade mark proprietor must prove that, at the relevant date, a significant proportion of the relevant class of persons perceives the relevant goods or services as originating from a particular undertaking because of the sign in question" (there at para. 57) and considered the survey evidence submitted by Nestl�, structurally very similar to the evidence before the Federal Court of Justice, to be inadequate to answer this question. Since the briefs are not on public record in Germany, it is unclear whether the nullity plaintiff even raised the issue. In any case, German Courts do not seem to be inclined to follow Arnold Js lead (for a critical take on the KitKat decision, see my recent piece in ABAs Landslide Magazine).

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Using Pynliner with Hudson Jenkins email ext plugin

Using Pynliner with Hudson Jenkins email ext plugin

The current version of Pynliner is case-sensitive based, which makes it hard to generate inline CSS styles for XML-based documents that have difference case settings for the CSS styles. An example of this issue occurs in the html.jelly file of Hudson/Jenkins email-ext plugin where the tags are lower-case but the CSS styles are upper case. In order to generate an XML document that includes these inline styles, one either has to convert everything or update Pynliner to be able to be case-insenstive.

A pull request submitted here attempts to generate these inline styles automatically from the original file. The script can probably be adapted to generate any Jelly-based document, though some replace/substitution has to be done at the end.

Hopefully the changes are incorporated into Pynliner too:

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Invisage Acquisition by Apple Said to be Confirmed

Invisage Acquisition by Apple Said to be Confirmed

Techcrunch receives what it believes is Apples confirmation of acquisition of Invisage:

An Apple spokesperson has confirmed the acquisition to us with its customary statement:�Apple buys smaller technology companies from time to time, and we generally do not discuss our purpose or plans.�

Techcrunch also found other evidences of the acquisition:
  • There are a handful of InVisage employees that are already noting on LinkedIn that they work for Apple. We were able to determine that several more who have not updated their LinkedIn profiles are also working there. Meanwhile, InVisage erased the section of its web site that detailed some of its senior staff (but you can still find those pages through web archiving services).
  • InVisage itself went radio silent on social media and other communications channels in November of last year - this one is incorrect as Invisage has presented its progress at IISW 2017 in June.
  • The legal firm representing InVisage changed in September. It�s now using the same firm that Apple uses for all its patent work.
  • Several people we contacted connected to the company told us they were not at liberty to discuss the acquisition, but in doing so also inadvertently confirmed that it took place.
  • More public evidence of a sale (but not to whom) is that multiple InVisage VC backers now list the company as exited on their web sites.

Few figures from Invisage paper presented at IISW 2017 in Hiroshima, Japan in June 2017:

R53: A QuantumFilm Based QuadVGA 1.5�m Pixel Image Sensor with Over 40% QE at 940 nm for Actively Illuminated Applications.
Lionel Barrow, Nikolai Bock, Aurelien Bouvier, Dario Clocchiatti, Jian Feng, Naveen Kolli, Andras Pattantyus, Vitanshu Sharma, Tzi-Hsiung Shu, Emanuele Mandelli. InVisage Technologies, USA

Thanks to JH and AD for the pointer!

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4 Simple Steps to Clean a Laptop Screen

4 Simple Steps to Clean a Laptop Screen

Cleaning your laptop screen or monitor is not hard since you can you your household products to do it. You dont have to buy a LCD cleaning products since

1. Turn off your laptop or LCD/LED Monitor :
Remove any power source such as power chord to avoid the electricity flow.

2. Create Your own Cleaning Solution.
You can simply use plain water, but it is better to mix it with organic solution such as vinegar. If you worried about the vinegar smell,  replace it with perfume . (I always use perfume, just make sure use a very small amount, you dont want to work with strong smell, trust me!).

3. Remove Dust by using Dry Lint and Brush.
First just wipe your screen without solution, just use Lint, and then use paint brush to remove dust and clean the screens edge.

3. Use Lint-Free Cloth or Your old T-shirt
It does not really matter what type of household item your want to use to wipe the LCD or screen, just make sure it is smooth and do absorb water. Apply a small amount of water or solution we created, make sure it is not too wet. I prefer to use empty spray bottle, the wipe your screen gently. (dont use excessive force to wipe because it could damage your screen pixel).

4. Final Touch
Again by using dry Lint Cloth wipe your screen again to remove any excessive solution/water on your screen.

Im not a very careful guy, normally I just spray some water and let it there for 1 minute, then wipe with my old towel. I did this for about 7 years for both my laptop and my LED monitor.

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Winamp Keygen for All version

Winamp Keygen for All version

Downlaod all version winamp keygen

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IDM Cracked Patch Full Version

IDM Cracked Patch Full Version

Register your Internet Download Manager Free Forever with Step by Step Detailed Methods. Simple to take after aide on How to Register IDM Free? When Implementation of This strategy is Needed and Always have Latest variant of IDM for nothing. It is the least demanding and most secure approach to have free enrolled Internet Download Manager (IDM) lifetime and with your Name. You will discover Other Tips and Tricks too.


Internet Download Manager + Cracked + Patch 


Internet Download Manager + Cracked +Keygen + Patch

How to do ??? 


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SLOW PCfighter 1 074 Download Serial

SLOW PCfighter 1 074 Download Serial

SLOW-PCfighter is usually basic registry restore software. The application provides powerful efficiency, along with many different features and protection tools. This registry restore software is very user friendly and is consequently simple that advanced users might not be fully satisfied with the functionality of the software program. However, if you might be a beginner and also don�t feel completely comfortable in your computer�s registry, SLOW-PCfighter may be the registry repair software you are interested in.

If the software finds any glitches, it will record them under another tab, in the identical section of this interface. SLOW-PCfighter allows you to choose what errors to correct by ticking their entries within the list. All the glitches are selected by default and youll fix them by means of clicking the Restoration Now button, within the windows lower suitable corner.


Before the program attempts to deal with anything, it will automatically support the whole registry. It really is unlikely that something should go wrong, but it is always safer to have a backup, before modifying something within the Windows Registry. The created backups are listed in the separate section of the interface and youll restore one by means of selecting it and also clicking the Bring back button, beneath this list.

Both of these programs also have a PAID version, that provides additional features --- nearly all significantly, the paid versions can continually run in REAL-TIME, to PREVENT disease from attacking your system to start with. Such prevention is superior to getting infected, then having to take it off. But if you do not want to afford the protection/prevention, you can nevertheless still use the FREE versions to take out infections after-the-fact (as long as these transmissions are covered within the programs database).


SLOW-PCfighters effects tend to be noticeable. If there are any errors within the Windows Registry, the software program will fix them plus the computer will function smoother. The scanning process wont take long plus the found errors tend to be fixed in a couple of seconds.


There is zero button for picking or deselecting every item in the outcomes list.

SLOW-PCfighter is one of the more simplistic merchandise on our selection. The interface employs five individual navigation bars to navigate collected from one of section to another location. The majority of these tabs include the one-step process, or at most of the two steps, that makes scanning, repairing and also setting up schedules a cinch. If you are a beginner, youll love how simple the software program is and the way quick the processes are to finish. If you are a professional user, you may not necessarily get full satisfaction from this application due towards scarcity of hands-on interaction with the features, tools and also settings.

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Download Limbo PC Games Full Version

Download Limbo PC Games Full Version

Do you ever seen game Limbo? This game is legendary because its very popular until now. This game is very uniq and push your adrenaline. Do you want play it? becau in this blog you will play this game free. We share link Download Limbo PC Games Full Version so you can play it. On this game you only find black and white color, and its make you feel this game. And you will find moment that you never seen before in other game. So dont waste your time, just download this game and play it. we only share good link.Limbo have alot of surprises element and moment. Play it, and you got some expected moment. Lets download and happy playing.

Download Limbo PC Games Full Version
Limbo PC Games Full Version
Limbo PC Games Full Version

Mac System Requirements Limbo - PC Games :
LIMBO ONLY runs on Macs from
2009 onwards.
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6.0
(Snow Leopard) or better
Processor: Intel Mac
System Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible
video card with 256 MB shared or
dedicated RAM (ATI or NVIDIA)
Hard Drive: 150 MB

System Requirements Limbo - PC Games :
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7,
Processor: 2 GHz
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: 5 years or younger.
Integrated graphics and very low budget cards
may not work. Shader Model 3.0 required
Hard Drive: 185 MB free space
DirectX�: 9.0c

Limbo PC Games Full Version

Limbo PC Games Full Version

Limbo PC Games Full Version

Limbo GamePlay

Download Limbo PC Games Full Version
Direct Link: Click Here

How To Download :
1. Click on the download links above
2. Wait for few seconds and then click on

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Go Outside and Train

Go Outside and Train

Ross Enamait has a really nice article up on his site about training in a new environment:

Improve Productivity By Changing Scenery

Its a good article. It brings me back to two of my "early days" training experiences.

First one - I used to lift in a friends weight room in his yard. Hed converted a patio and shed into an enclosed dojo/garage gym. I used to train there in the winter, and I didnt bother to put on the heat. Partly this was not wanting to deal with lighting and running a kerosene heater. But also because it drove me to work hard and work fast. Id go in, lift cold barbells and freezing dumbbells while sitting on or laying down on cold benches. Id get my work done, then walk home or bike home in the cold.

Second one - I lived in Japan for a few years. I did a lot of outdoor training. I biked to parks and did pullups and muscle-ups on playground bars. I did pushups in the dirt outside. I dragged a home-made sled loaded with random heavy things (and neighborhood kids who wanted a ride) while I ran with the sled behind me. I train in and out of bad weather, bike in the snow, and otherwise go new places and train in new ways. It was limited by what I could access in the way of gear, but it didnt matter. It was all good, positive, effective training.

So read Rosss article, and go try training in a totally new place. Ignore any discomfort and make some training happen. It can make you better.

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So as you can tell from my last two blog posts, we have begun the long and tedious process of rendering and compositing. As our teams Compositor Ive been taking all of the render given to me and turning them into the finished shots for the film. Because of this I thought it might be cool if I gave you a sneak peek of what Ive been doing before we release a trailer for the film. If you remember a few posts back, I posted a matte painting I did for the film. Here is that shot from the film. Now keep in mind that this render is only partially done, Im still waiting on another few elements to really make this shot as amazing as we want it. That being said I thought it might be cool to see all of these pieces Ive been teasing you with together!