Friday, February 23, 2018
Public Notice
Public Notice
Dear All,
The North Carolina Bar Association (NCBA) is hosting a program for at-risk, rising male ninth grade students. It is not limited to Durham residents but was created for students in Durham Public Schools.
The program is a week-long day camp for male ninth-grade students. All food, transportation, and other costs are covered by the NCBA. The event is hosted at the NCCU School of Law. It will be held from July 11-15, 2011. The students will receive training on how to create PSAs, conflict resolution, and will network with law faculty, practicing attorneys, and a former NC Supreme Court Justice.
I encourage each of you to spread this information to any rising ninth-grade students in Durham, N.C. or the surrounding area. The free transportation will only be provided to attendees that live in Durham, NC.
Any questions, feel free to e-mail me at, or simply reply to this e-mail.
Keith Howard