Saturday, February 24, 2018

Galaxy Nexus Black S concept by Antoine Brieux NAK Studio

Galaxy Nexus Black S concept by Antoine Brieux NAK Studio

The Great designer Antoine has imagined a new concept for Samsung.we already know he is capable of making eye catching ,stunning concepts is another one.Samsung Galaxy Nexus Black S,a handset just similar to the Samsung Galaxy Note. Here is the fresh render.
This is a quite wide handset, thats why i mentioned its similar to the Galaxy Note.Galaxy Nexus Black S features a 4.9 inch super AMOLED plus 720p screen.powered by a 1.4Ghz Quad-Core processor ,the device will make super fine images and graphics in its huge screen.
Other specifications of the device is in the image below(click the image to view in full size).

Antoine gave a great metallic look to the device.i hope everyone will like it.rear top and bottom of rear side is bit curved and there is a shining Aluminium uni body as the cover. 

News via NAK Studio

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