Monday, February 26, 2018

Review iPad 3

Review iPad 3

Dedicated to Steve Jobs

Today, I will review the iPad 3 (16GB) White.

When I got it out of the box my reaction was "Wow!" Turned it on, Set it up and was taken to the home screen. Anyway, The 5MP iSight Camera Is Great, Retina Display is a breakthrough, No Complaints.
The A5X chip is unbelievably fast (Not as Fast as PPC G4)
Siris Awesome (I upgraded it to iOS 6)
And I Like to treat my tablets like Desktops, Believe it or not, its not that hard and it isnt even Jailbroken!

Overall Rating: 5 Stars *****

And A message from Tim Cook I want to share with you.

visit link download