Sunday, February 25, 2018



Dealing with banks could be a pain in the ass, especially for foreigners. One example is that foreigners� bank accounts are frozen on the day their ARC expires, leaving them unable to use their bankcard outside of Taiwan. So even though thats their money, they can�t touch it unless they come back to Taiwan.

Banking isnt any easier for a Taiwanese when it comes to foreign currencies. I wanted to deposit USD in cash to my foreign currency account in Entie Bank Tainan branch. The clerk looked at me reluctantly and took the money to her supervisor for instruction. One minute later, she came back and told me that due to the fact that they had too much US dollars in cash at their branch so they wouldnt let me deposit the money. I was stunned, this was the first time I had been rejected by a bank with such uncomprehensive reasoning. So I made a phone call to their headquarters in Taipei to clarify the authenticity of the reason that the branch used to reject my request. After explaining to the headquaters, they asked me to pass the phone to the manager of the Tainan branch and a few minutes later my deposit was approved.

I asked the clerk why the same request was accepted after the phone call; she couldnt give me the answer. So I made another phone call to the headquarters to ask for an explanation. This time they sent the manager of the Tainan branch to talk to me. At first, he came to me with an attitude trying to waive me off by using the same reason and telling me that my deposit had been taken care of. I pestered him with the question of why the reason he used to reject my request still remains and yet the deposit could be made after a phone call to their headquarters. He stood there speechless. It was a bizarre experience to watch a bank manager standing in front of you surrounded by all his subordinates and speechless like a kid who did something wrong waiting for some punishment and yet wouldnt simply soften his attitute. I told him either he could find someone to give me a reasonable explanation or I would made a phone call to the headquarters myself.

Finally he came out with an excuse that he misunderstood the policy regarding foreign currency deposits in cash that was made by the foreign currency department and he apologized for the manager of the foreign currency department. I couldnt figure out the logic and started to realize that the pursuit of real reason in why he rejected my deposit in the first place or an apology from him would be futile. I accepted the apology from "the manager of the foreign currency department" and got the word from the manager of Tainan branch that it wont happen again and left the bank with an attitute of vindication.

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