Friday, February 16, 2018

OpenVPN access on Fedora CentOS RHEL

OpenVPN access on Fedora CentOS RHEL

SELinux and Avahi conspire to make ones use of OpenVPN on a Redhat-based Linux to be rather unpleasant. Heres how you can go about resolving that.

  • Extract any cert files from the OVPN file you received, and save them as separate files in a directory intended for said purpose.
  • The next three commands require sudo / root user...
  • semanage fcontext -a -t home_cert_t (path to certificate file) for each cert.
  • restorecon -Rv (path of certs/*) to load the new security contexts.
  • yum remove avahi if you use a ".local" or other non-standard domain name internally. A safer option is to use systemctl disable avahi-daemon.socket avahi-daemon.service in case you need to flip it back on later.
  • Import the OVPN file to the Network Manager, and configure to use the cert files + login username + password ("password w/certificates" option).

visit link download