Saturday, February 17, 2018

An award! ! YAY me!!!!

An award! ! YAY me!!!!

Thanks so much to Shanti over at Wires & Yarns for presenting me with: (cue in dramatic music)

 As all awards, it comes with certain rules that I have to follow now...

     ** thank and link back to person who awarded you   done!
     ** share 7 things about yourself    done!
     ** pay it forward to 15 discovered bloggers    done!
     ** contact these bloggers and tell them about the award    working on it!

7 things:
1. I am almost 30 weeks pregnant with my first daughter.
2. In Dec 2010, I bought a car for the first time EVER!
3. I love trying new cooking and baking recipes, but they dont always turn out as planned.
4. I have only two friends where I live now, so blogging has become a good way for me to reach out and "meet" new people.
5. I have a Bachelors degree in Interdisciplinary Studies K-8, taught second grade for a year, and will have a Masters degree in Mathematics Education in March.... but Im taking several years off to be a stay-at-home mom.
6. I found out what true love was when I married my husband and moved across the country.
7. Although I love to crochet, I dont think I am a very creative person, and I have a hard time coming up with ideas on my own!

15 bloggers:
**Im glad it says "discovered" bloggers, because all of these blogs are very newly discovered for me, since I just started my blog. Im not sure if I will even make it to 15!
1. Carol (my mom) @ Just a Virginia Girl
2. Heather (my sister) @ Abby Js Quilting Mommy
3. Ashleigh @ My Sweet Little Life
4. Victoria @ ...yarn round hook... 
5. Kristi @ Hair Pretties by Kristi
6. Alicia @ Crochet to Go
7. Samantha @ The Handmade Dress
8. Caroline @ The Kansas Hooker
9. The Sunroom
10. Michelle @ The Royal Sisters
11. Ladylinoleum @ Monster Crochet 
**Well, thats all I got, because I was trying not to repeat anyone who just got the award. These are the blogs I have been following lately. I have gotten a lot of inspiration from them, maybe even a few patterns, and I really enjoy keeping up with them.

Thats all for today! Im leaving for our play date in about an hour, and I have yet to figure out what Im taking to work on!

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