Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Ambassadors of Reconciliation Report on SGM Out

Ambassadors of Reconciliation Report on SGM Out

So the report we have all been waiting for is out, and available (Ive downloaded the file in case it gets "removed" later!);

Here (40 pages worth).

Once again this point stuck out to me;

"We observed that this lack of declaring God�s grace to people is a weakness of people
throughout SGM, including leaders and members. Although the name of the organization is
Sovereign Grace Ministries, and grace and forgiveness are often preached and taught, there
does not seem to be a similar emphasis on the teaching and practice of declaring God�s grace".

The response has been mixed (unsurprisingly). I dont think the AoR team were ever going to make all happy. My hope is that with the changes in SGM - their move to Kentucky and so on, God will work out His purpose and that His kingdom WILL come despite mankind. Even more so I pray that the "Survivors" of SGM will find a measure of peace despite the wrong done them.

visit link download