Monday, January 22, 2018
Wordpress on Windows IIS plugin install update fix
Wordpress on Windows IIS plugin install update fix
Ran into an issue getting plugins to install correctly on a Windows / IIS install of Wordpress. Numerous posts online rehash advice involving FTP and Linux: they were only somewhat helpful. Heres what did work for me.
1. Set the permissions on your wp-content folder as open as you can: for me, I gave Full Modify to Users
2. Make a "temp" folder in your blogs wp-content folder.
3. Add something like the following to your wp-config.php file. Notice that the other defines chain on how you set the first one.
define(FTP_BASE, "C:/inetpub/website/blog/");References
define(FTP_CONTENT_DIR, FTP_BASE.wp-content/);
* Russian bloggers attempt to fix a similar issue
* Wordpress Codex documentation on wp-config.php