Monday, January 22, 2018
Using Calibre with multiple kindle devices or apps
Using Calibre with multiple kindle devices or apps
Recently we bought a kindle touch and I discovered that it has a feature where the amazon cloud remembers the last page you are on. This way you can swap between the kindle or kindle app (on the iphone/ipod touch) and start reading where you left off.
The main requirement for this feature to work is that you load your mobi books onto the kindle or kindle app via the personal documents feature of the kindle store. Each kindle device or app you register to the same amazon account receives a unique email address. You can then send a ebook to the device by sending it to its specific email address.
To get the sync feature to work you need to send a single email to all the devices you want to be able to synchronize across.
I havent been able to configure calibre to send an email to multiple addresses. Ive tried using spaces( ), commas(,) and semi-colons(;) to delimit multiple email address but they dont seem to work.
The method Ive found is to install hmailserver and the configure it as follows:
1) turn of auto-ban